Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tatted chain necklace

25 Motif Challenge #8 along with the next one as one.

This is also the same first pattern, with playing with doing chain.  I didn't know they had a book out for doing the chains.  I really like playing around and figuring out my own ideas, although I do want to learn how to do more so I can do more.  Guess once I finish my other chain I'll get back to working on patterns.

The bottom of the chain is the first pattern I ever did, I ds chain in every other hole, did half at a time, then turned it around and did the other side, no pattern, just thought it was a cool idea.  I used Lizbeth size 10, instead of using glue I used glow in the dark paint for cloth.


  1. Ok, it's about time you showed this, but what did you do to it??? I like it better the way it was. And why did you put paint on the chain part??? I know, I know, I am a stickler for details-especially when it looked so very awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I put the glow in the dark paint so it can be worn backwards at night. Only one side. Get with the times

    2. Sorry, I can't help being old fashioned! :D
      Anyway, I love the front side, but I have another question....Why would you use glow in the dark paint when you are usually in bed too early to see it glow?? :p

    3. 'Cause I like things that glow in the Besides it was like that when I wore Being old fashioned is fine but we all have our own little things. That's what makes us different.

  2. That is so cool looking! I'd love to know how you did it... maybe next time we meet at Tollway Tatters!

    1. Thank you very much. I'd be happy to show you, I'm working on two other chains right now. I'll post soon after I'm finished.
